World of Franchising - SUBWAY & NAASF

A discussion of issues affecting franchisee operators in the Subway franchise system and how the system may be improved. If you have any comments and wish to contribute to this web page; feel free to email the author.

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Location: Canada

My background is in Research and Development (Science) as well as Economic Development (Business). Currently managing my own businesses. My degree; B.Comm, Finance Major.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Just a short update tonight.

I was looking at some of the browser information and I see that our web site is now being viewed by people in Australia, Europe and, of course, North America. I received an email from a vendor today and he was very happy to have found this web site. To quote him "A breath of fresh air." It seems that it is not just franchisees who are frustrated with DAI.

I also came across this post in another site "I would like to see a more aggressive NAASF that is fighting for the owners. How about NAASF organizing petition drives, e-mail actions, something needs to be done to get the message to DAI that owner's are unhappy, profitability sucks, and DAI needs to help us turn this thing around." What do you think of this suggestion? There is a wonderful tool available to anyone to take confidential surveys,
  • PollMonkey
  • . This unusual tool allows anyone to design a simple poll for free or a more complex one for a small monthly fee. It would be very valuable in getting the voice of the franchisee heard and published.

    That was my thought for tonight.

    Take care.


    During the 1990s, Subway was involved in more legal disputes with franchisees than any other chain -- more than Burger King, KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and Wendy's combined. Dean Sager, a former staff economist for the U.S. House of Representatives' Small Business Committee, has called Subway the 'worst' franchise in America. "Subway is the biggest problem in franchising," Sager told Fortune magazine in 1998, "and emerges as one of the key examples of every (franchise) abuse you can think of." (Fast Food Nation, Houghton Mifflin, January 2001, p. 100)


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