World of Franchising - SUBWAY & NAASF

A discussion of issues affecting franchisee operators in the Subway franchise system and how the system may be improved. If you have any comments and wish to contribute to this web page; feel free to email the author.

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Location: Canada

My background is in Research and Development (Science) as well as Economic Development (Business). Currently managing my own businesses. My degree; B.Comm, Finance Major.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I occasionally receive email letters from people either in the system or thinking of getting into the Subway system. Most are usually just letters blasting Subway or seeking information.

The following letter was received recently and goes to the point of why Subway is dysfunctional.


I have been thinking about letting people know how horrible an experience this Subway franchise has been and will be until I die. My husband and I have seriously considered suicide but we love our kids (adults) too much to do that to them. My husband wanted this store so badly that I couldn't say no to him. I'm 59 and have had fibromyalgia since I was 35. My doctor's nurse offered to help me get a full disability at that time. I decided to tough it out so that my kids-I was raising them alone after their father died, wouldn't think that's how to live. I made it through to retirement at U/Mass and was working part-time close to home. I was so happy and wanted my husband to be happy. I signed the papers putting our home up as security-stupidity! 3 months after he started running the store-happily and well I might add-his back went out and we found out he has several ruptured discs as well as other back problems. One operation and several procedures later he is in more pain than when he started and I had to quit my job and try to run the Subway. The day he was going to be operated on I let the corporate office that we deal with know and they told me it would be best if I was at the store that morning to meet with them anyway! I went-because at that time they frightened me-listened to their complaints--which is really all you ever get-even though you will here about the "Subway Family" and how they are there to help you. They couldn't have cared less if my husband lived or died and have not offered one bit of help. I have cried myself into a stupor over the stupidity of signing over the home that I love and have worked so hard to keep to people who couldn't care less and would kick us out onto the street without a 2nd thought. They nickel and dime you every time you turn around and guess what-everyone in our town is down in business because of the drastic weather change this winter. Has anyone from corporate offered any help or suggestions other than give away more free grinders and you'll have more customers. Which is true. There's an old saying that if you give everything away, you'll have more customers than you could imagine!

Well, live and learn and remember that the hell that is Subway school-oh, yeah, I'm serious, is just the beginning.

wondering when it will and how much it will hurt,"

Name withheld by me so that the sender will not be harassed by Subway legal department.

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