World of Franchising - SUBWAY & NAASF

A discussion of issues affecting franchisee operators in the Subway franchise system and how the system may be improved. If you have any comments and wish to contribute to this web page; feel free to email the author.

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Location: Canada

My background is in Research and Development (Science) as well as Economic Development (Business). Currently managing my own businesses. My degree; B.Comm, Finance Major.

Friday, June 18, 2004

I read this comment on the NAASF web page (you can link to NAASF directly and read these comments in context of previous posts):

"I sympathize with your view, but am less than convinced that it can be done. For one thing, there is so much dirt to dig, and so many that continue to bury it, legally and otherwise, that it would take an army of experts to do so. At this point, NAASF is so far behind in the fight for equity, that I suspect they are a little overwhelmed with it all.

Consider--DAI has kept them occupied with planning and executing an every-other year convention (plus spring and fall forums), testing of equipment and new products, going to various and sundry alphabet-committee meetings, collecting information they want on various polls, keeping them involved in the on-going "upgrade" of our software, etc., etc. Perhaps the intent is to keep them so diffused and occupied that they won't be able to focus on any one or two important issues. With "importance" being defined by the franchisees, not DAI.

NAASF should be fully independent of DAI, friendly, but not beholden for anything, including funding. The tough part of that may be walking the line between too-friendly and war. Litigation might begin war. If that happens, NAASF will not be effective at anything else at least until the war is over, and maybe not even then. The other danger is that of a few, or maybe more than a few, franchisees to become sympathetic to DAI during the lawsuit and undermine those who are not. The most likely to be sympathetic to DAI would be those who are naive or are not affected by the issue in litigation. This would divide the franchisee community, and probably make the situation worse.

And then there's the fact that DAI employs or can employ as many attorneys as they want, because of their bottomless pockets. Litigation could last for years, and not actually win franchisees any improvements. How would we feel about one lawsuit draining all resources NAASF has, taking years to settle, dividing (maybe bitterly) the franchisees as a group, and immobilizing NAASF on every other issue? I'm not sure this is what we really want

Obviously there are problems perceived in going head to head with DAI. My point that the above writer was referring to was that NAASF needs to do something now. They are fast loosing credibility as a champion of the franchisee. Please take the time to go to the NAASF web site and read the various comments on this and other posts. Add you own and lets start a discussion on this or any other topic you may have.

Take care.


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